From Br Steve Hogan fsc

Marcus Aurelius once said: “Because a thing is difficult for you, do not, therefore, suppose it to be beyond mortal power. On the contrary, if anything is possible and proper for man to do, assume that it must fall within your own capacity.” God has given all of us talents, and as a Catholic, Lasallian school, it is our duty to inspire students to aspire to greatness – to be the best that they can be in all aspects of their lives. To ‘aim for the stars,’ any less is denying the possibilities of creation itself. Whether it be the upcoming HSC Trial or end of Year 11 exams; the Allwell or NAPLAN assessments; sport, dance or drama; service or as a Lasallian Youth Leader, the smile as we enter the door, the honesty and respect we show to others, we are to do all these things to the best of our ability.
The Forbes magazine defines leadership as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task". In its ontological form, a leader is someone who gets people to realize their own future. Lao Tzu, a contemporary of Confucius, defines leadership as “when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” I describe this more simply and metaphorically as someone who plants seeds (ideas) and helps them grow (service). Leaders are people who do stuff and make stuff happen – a process of social influence.

Leadership that inspires and enables others to improve their lives is to be encouraged as it is a catalyst for improvement and growth. Quality, service-oriented, and entrepreneurial leadership doesn’t just happen. Leadership that moves a situation from good to better to best will happen more effectively when it is nurtured. Leadership is encouraged and nurtured in every aspect of being an Oakhill College student: in classroom learning; on the sports fields/and courts; on stage in drama, music, and debating; on the farm and in the Show Team; at the Mock Trial, MUN or chess – in every aspect of being an Oakhill College student.
This week the College began the process of selecting College leaders for 2023 however, we believe all our students here at Oakhill College are leaders, as all have talents, and it is our focus to inspire all students to hone their talents for the service of others.
At the Friday morning Mass for sports teams on 29th July we had the reading from St Paul to Timothy where St Paul says to Timothy “I have fought the good fight (bonum certamen certa) … I have run the race.” Paul is speaking about the journey to develop good character - compassion, empathy, civics, civility, honesty, trust and respect. The values and virtues of a Christian and a good human person. The qualities of a good leader.
Wishing our Year 12 students the very best for their HSC Trial Exams starting Monday 1st August.
To finish, some thoughts from JFK on strength of character and leadership:
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."
"Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly."
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
“If not us who, if not now, when.”
Br Steve Hogan fsc