From Br Steve Hogan fsc

This year the College is reviewing the College Strategic Plan 2021-2023 and developing the Strategic Plan for 2024–2026. Part of this process includes a review of the Oakhill College Learning Framework and Oakhill College Curriculum Design. We are working with the changes in the new NSW curriculum that start for some subjects in 2024 and now rolled out across all subject areas at a slower pace over the next four years. Review of the Oakhill College Learning Framework and Curriculum Design will involve consultation and feedback with any changes for 2025 and beyond, finalised in early 2024.
The Oakhill College Learning Framework is and will continue to be based on best evidence and best research regarding effective learning and 21st Century Learning Outcomes ( The Oakhill College learning framework, which is visible and accessible to students, parents, and teachers, provides access to the teaching and learning in classrooms and also to data on each student's learning. It is this data that we are utilising to inform teachers to ensure we teach to student’s needs in what is known as ‘targeted teaching’ or differentiated learning. This also allows us to provide extension to those more able, and thus keep all learners motivated.
Success in this is evident in the improved reading, writing and numeracy results this year and last in NAPLAN, Allwell and Minimum Standards and of course our 2022 HSC results. I mentioned in our last Newsletter that 100% of Year 10 students achieved the Minimum Standard in Reading with Level 3 and/or Level 4, the highest levels available. In this Newsletter, you will also read about our recent success in a Sydney Science Competition.
The Oakhill College Learning Framework is a pedagogy that includes the old such as practice and repetition and homework, with the new such as higher-order thinking, analytical discourse, independence and ownership of learning. But as we know, students, especially boys still need much guidance, supervision, explicit teaching, and short-term goals in their learning process.
In Term 4, the College will move to a new administration software, TASS, which will provide parents with more information about their children’s progress. This will also involve access to the Parent Portal via a phone app and access to a new report format.

Mrs Katie Jackson (Director of Professional Learning) is spending much time observing, coaching and mentoring staff, ensuring stronger teacher efficacy in our learning design as part of the College’s’ teaching and learning farmwork. Staff have been updated in cognitive science on topics such as cognitive load and how to address this in our teaching and learning framework. Furthermore Mrs Jackson has been developing with staff, common standard retrieval practices and questioning skills, especially toward higher-order thinking.
Teaching and learning are very much a partnership, and this is very much part of the custom and culture at Oakhill College. In this Newsletter, I share with you a resource from ‘education world’ ( that may be helpful for parents as the suggestions are very practical and are ideas that enhance learning at school. The first four are:
A-Attendance is a critical factor in any child’s school success. Children should attend school every day, except when ill. It is impossible to replace the learning that happens on any school day with make-up work. Regular attendance and promptness are good habits that are expected and appreciated at all levels of school and the workplace.
B-Bedtime. On average children need 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is important for many reasons. Lack of sleep can cause children to be hyperactive, impatient, or cranky. It is more difficult for children to concentrate and learn when they are tired. Encouraging activities such as quiet reading just prior to bed is a great transition and helps children relax. It is most important that mobile devices are off and preferrably out of the bedroom at night as many hours can be spent during the night unknown to parents, when everyone should be sleeping.
C-Choices. According to Jim Fay, author of ‘Becoming a Logic Parent’, giving children choices is more effective than making demands. He suggests (i) never give choices if it causes a problem for you or someone else; (ii) give only two choices both equally OK with you. For example, Would you like peas or carrots? Or Do you want to do our homework now or in 15 minutes? If your child does not answer within 10 seconds, make the choice for them.
D-Determination. Children need to hear parents say that making an effort, working hard, and planning ahead are important. We need to encourage children to set reasonable expectations, and celebrate with them when they make progress toward their goals. Children need to learn that sometimes they need to make sacrifices to achieve their goal. Struggling with learning tasks from time to time is part of a student’s 'job'. In the end, the feeling of accomplishment they will get will lead to bigger and better accomplishments in the future.
I conclude with this quote from Celia Lashlie's work on boys’ education: “boy’s overestimate their ability and underestimate the effort required to achieve it”.
Br Steve Hogan fsc