From Br Steve Hogan fsc

This year our College theme is ‘include’. That is, to be inclusive in all we do, think and say. I believe an outcome of inclusiveness is an overwhelming feeling of peace and fulfilment because being inclusive brings harmony. This week I was reading from Abbot Rolheiser. He says:
“Peace, as we know, is a whole lot more than the simple absence of war and strife. Peace is constituted by two things: harmony and completeness. To be at peace something has to have an inner consistency so that all of its movements are in harmony with each other, and it must also have a completeness so that it is not still aching for something it is missing. Peace is the opposite of internal discord or of longing for something we lack.”
When we are not at peace, we are lacking harmony and/or completeness in our lives. When Jesus promises peace as his farewell gift after his resurrection, he identifies it with the Holy Spirit; that is the spirit of charity, joy, peace, patience, goodness, longsuffering, fidelity, mildness, and chastity. As I regularly say to the students be good, be kind, be loving. How? Be willing to include, ie. be inclusive in all we think, do and say. This will bring harmony and an overwhelming feeling of peace and fulfilment.
This Sunday 5th June is Pentecost Sunday in the Roman Catholic tradition – the gift of the holy spirit to each and every one of us.

This coming week, twenty years after the original production, Oakhill College is presenting the most amazing and outstanding performance of the most famous musical Les Miserables. Tickets are available (especially matinees) via Trybooking for all sessions: and for Opening Night Gala Performance:
I encourage staff, students, parents and friends not to miss out, as Oakhill College is renowned for its highly professional musicals.
Finally, thank you all so very much again for your generosity both in terms of time and resources. Thank you for your contribution to Gala Day grossing about $92,000. A wonderful Oakhill College community event. Thank you to our sponsors for Gala Day and for the Oakhill College Sports Lunch. You are all very generous and very much recognised and appreciated. Thank you for your generosity for the Red Shield Appeal, the Women's Sanctuary Appeal, and St Vinnie’s ‘Blankets and Beanies’ Appeal. Thank you in advance for your generosity in sponsoring students participating in the Ration Challenge for refugees and asylum seekers. There are 73 students and five staff registered already this year. Last year, Oakhill College raised $32,000, the second-largest donation in Australia. However, it is advocacy and service that is most important. Presently with the Ukraine war, there are over 85 million refugees in the world needing support.
"Because a thing is difficult for you, do not, therefore, suppose it to be beyond mortal power. On the contrary, if anything is possible and proper for man to do, assume that it must fall within your own capacity." (Marcus Aurelius)
"We do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard, because that will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills." (John F Kennedy, 1962)
Br Steve Hogan fsc