From Br Steve Hogan fsc
Our theme this week has been HOPE.
This time is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen and/or rebuild family relationships and find comfort and security in what truly matters: love and kindness, home and family, health, and wellbeing. And we must then live each moment of every day in confidence knowing what matters has not changed and that the tomorrow we seek, will come, and we will be much richer and wiser because of what we have learned and created in this extra time we have.
I was asked several days ago, what are my top tips for our Oakhill College community at this time. Here are my top tips for the coming days and weeks.
- Reframe the situation, look at the lockdown not as adversity, but an opportunity. An opportunity to use the extra time we have in our daily routine, to do new things, explore, invent and delve into areas of interest;
- Maintain a routine each school day that will help define schoolwork time and non-school work time: breakfast, uniform, class at 8:35am until 3.15pm;
- Get involved in all the College extra activities and competitions produced by the Mission Service Team, Lasallian Youth Ministers, the Sports Team, the Library Team initiatives including our Read-to-Succeed Program, and the Deans, such as the MasterChef Challenge, top kicks/tricks etc;
- Give yourself some screen-free time each day;
- Stay active by enjoying the outdoors;
- Do something you enjoy each day;
- Keep in touch (online) with friends and family;
- Be good, be kind, be loving: find ways for random acts of kindness for family members and friends. Reach out and check in on at least one mate each day, asking RUOK?
Take care.
Keep well.
Br Steve Hogan fsc